RESONATE is a Horizon Europe-funded project with 14 participating organisations

EuroHealthNet – The European Partnership for Health, Equity and Wellbeing
Prof. Thomas Astell-Burt
Founding Co-Director of the Population Wellbeing and Environment Research Lab, a focal point for NbT research in Australia.
Dr Melissa Lem
Director of the Canadian PaRx (Prescription for Nature) NbT program.
Prof. Nooshin Razani
Director of The Center for Nature and Health (CNH) which has pioneered park prescription programs for childhood resilience in California.
Prof. Nancy Wells
Cornell University expert on nature-based resilience.
Dr. Kath Maguire
Expert in Patient Public Involvement and current facilitator of service user workshops on nature based social prescribing in the UK.
Prof. Alexandria Poole
An applied environmental ethicist focusing on urban sustainability and developing avenues for social and environmental justice within education, public discourse, and empowering community engagement through applications in policy and technology for socio-ecological well-being.