New paper on the role of nature connectedness and nature contact

New paper co-authored by members of the Resonate Horizon Europe team! This work highlights the potential importance of childhood bluespace exposure as well as life-long nature contact for improving nature […]


New paper co-authored by members of the Resonate Horizon Europe team! This work highlights the potential importance of childhood bluespace exposure as well as life-long nature contact for improving nature connectedness.

Nature contact in childhood is associated with pro-environmental behaviours (PEB) later in life. While previous
literature focused on nature contact in general, the current work specifically explored childhood blue space
exposure (coasts, rivers, lakes etc.) and potential mechanisms underlying any relationship with PEBs in adulthood.

Results supported significant serial mediation, with recalled childhood blue space exposure linked to nature connectedness
in adulthood, which was in turn associated with more frequent recent visits to green and blue spaces, which in
turn predicted PEB. Significant direct and indirect effects were observed, while controlling for known individualand
area-level covariates. Findings highlight the potential importance of childhood blue space exposure as well
as life-long nature contact for improving nature connectedness and PEB and add to calls for protecting and
maintaining natural water bodies and to improve their safety, as spending time around them in childhood may
play a role in fostering PEB and ultimately improving planetary health.