Who are you and for what partner organisation do you work?
We are Maria C. Uyarra, Senior Researcher, and Sarai Pouso, Researcher. We both work at the department Marine and Coastal Environmental Management of AZTI in Spain.
What is your expertise related to nature-based therapy?
Although we have not worked directly with nature-based therapies (NbTs), we have experience with studying the important role that marine recreation has on wellbeing. Furthermore, we have previously studied how contact with nature affected wellbeing, during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Can you describe the Work Package you lead in a couple of sentences?
We lead WP5 – Environment. In this WP we aim to identify key environmental features that result in most positive effects of NbTs, but we also want to gain better understanding of the benefits and impacts that NbTs can have for the environment. We also expect to find out what role NbTs play in triggering nature connectedness and pro-environmental behaviours.
What excites you most about the RESONATE project?
Having worked in the field of ecosystem services, it is very exciting to put the focus now on a service that from the environmental perspective is so little known. Doing this work in collaboration with this great consortium full of expertise is a real treat.
What is your own favourite way to engage with nature for your health and wellbeing?
Maria: I like the direct contact with nature through recreational activities. Specifically, I need the smell, the salt, and the cold of the ocean, as well as noticing the seasons both on land and at sea. This makes me feel alive.
Sarai: Spending my free time in nature is my favourite activity! I feel we are very lucky as here in the Basque Country we have both blue and green spaces close to our homes. I love spending the day at a coastal area, feeling the sun and water in my body. And I really enjoy hiking a mountain with my relatives and friends.

X: @mariacuyarra
LinkedIn: Maria C Uyarra
X: @spouso
LinkedIn: Sarai Pouso